Lebnon NH

Lebanon postcard post card - B&M Station, Lebanon, NH
B&M Station, Lebanon, NH

Lebanon, NH

Lebanon is a city in Grafton County. The community is in the Eastern Standard time zone.

The latitude of Lebanon is 43.642N. The longitude is -72.252W.

The estimated population, in 2003, was 12,792.

Income snapshot

Median household income
Source: 2000 census, U.S. Census Bureau

For more census details and comparisons, see our Lebanon demographic reports

Lebanon is at the confluence of the Connecticut and Mascoma rivers

The community was named for Lebanon, CT

Developed as a textiles center; the mills closed in the 1950s

Crime: The number of violent crimes recorded by the FBI in 2003 was 4. The number of murders and homicides was 0. The violent crime rate was 0.3 per 1,000 people.

Support for libraries: Local government funding for the local library system, in fiscal years 2001-2002, was above the national average. (See library links below.)

Listed places in Lebanon:
 Historic districts (1)
 Hotels (2)
 Libraries (1)
 Also see listings below

Census & demographics
 Lebanon population, race & ethnicity
 Housing in Lebanon
 Income in Lebanon
 Marital status of adults in Lebanon
 Place of birth of people in Lebanon
 Residence in 1995, of people in Lebanon
 School enrollment & education levels in Lebanon
 Transportation & commute times in Lebanon
 Grafton County data
 Fastest-growing counties in New Hampshire
 State data - New Hampshire
 Data by street address
Historical census records (Ancestry.com)

Sections below provide additional information and links about Lebanon demographics, travel and tourism, nearby airports, cemeteries, the Grafton County economy, education, environment, genealogy, government, historic sites, libraries, maps, museums, newspapers and other media, nonprofit groups, real estate, recreation, religion, transportation, and weather in the 03784 ZIP code.

Lebanon, NH locator map

Lebanon Web sites
 Lebanon city government
 Lebanon Chamber of Commerce

 Lebanon museums
 Lebanon historic sites
 Lebanon area parks

 Lebanon cemeteries
 Cemeteries in Grafton County
 Phone listings for cemeteries in or near Lebanon

 Communities near Lebanon
 Nearby cities of 10,000 or more
 Nearby cities of 50,000 or more
 Communities in Grafton County

 Lebanon business guide
 Lebanon Chamber of Commerce
 Better Business Bureau serving Lebanon
 Business licenses
 Corporate records search
Find a business

 Courts in New Hampshire

 Crime in Grafton County
  Guide to getting the most out of the Census.gov website
 Most-stolen vehicles in New Hampshire

 Funeral homes in or near Lebanon
 Obituaries - search nearby newspapers
 Obituary database - Ancestry.com
 Charitable donations

At the time of the 2000 census, the per capita income in Lebanon was $25,133, compared with $21,587 nationally.

 Building permits
 Current labor force
 Wage estimates
 County economic census
 County economic summary
 County employment
 County unemployment
 NH economy

35% of Lebanon residents age 25 and older have a bachelor's or advanced college degree.

 Colleges in or near Lebanon
 Colleges in New Hampshire
 Learning Disabilities Association in New Hampshire
 Public schools in Lebanon
 Private schools in or near Lebanon
 School districts in or near Lebanon
 School report cards

 Movies playing in or near Lebanon

 Air pollution in Grafton County
 Air, toxics, waste & water info for Grafton County
 Diesel soot in Grafton County
 Drinking water in Grafton County
 Land contamination in Grafton County
 Nature Conservancy projects in New Hampshire
 Ozone status & air pollution - American Lung Association
 Toxic chemical releases in Grafton County
 Water levels & streamflow conditions in New Hampshire

 ePodunk festival listings
 New Hampshire county fairs
 New Hampshire festivals (New Hampshire tourism department)
 Concert, sports & theater tickets

Food & restaurants
 Chowhound message boards for NH
 Farmers markets in New Hampshire
 Restaurant listings (yellow pages)

8% of Lebanon residents report German ancestry, and 14% report Irish. For more info on local ancestry groups, see the Lebanon genealogy guide.

 Cemeteries in or near Lebanon
 Cemeteries in Grafton County
 Genealogy page (NH GenWeb) for Grafton County
 Genealogy page (NH GenWeb) for Grafton County
 Libraries in or near Lebanon

  Genealogy message boards:
  Grafton County Ancestry forum

Genealogy databases:
  Ancestry - NH data
  Cemetery records
  Census (historical)
  County history catalog
  Court, land & probate records
  Death index
  Family & local history
  Historical newspapers
  Immigration records
  Military records

Geocaching & geography
 Confluence of latitude & longitude near Lebanon
 Geocaches in New Hampshire
 Geocache map of New Hampshire

Lebanon local government Web site
 Yellow Page listings for local government in or near Lebanon
 Grafton County government
 New Hampshire state government
 Child support enforcement
 Driver's licenses
 Motor vehicles
 Social Security
 Veterans affairs
 Where to write for birth, death, marriage or divorce records

Guides to Lebanon
 Nonprofit resources
 Sports & rec

 Lebanon medical services & health statistics

Historical societies
 State historical society

Historic districts in Lebanon include Colburn Park Historic District ... View historic districts

 Historic sites in or near Lebanon
 Historic sites in New Hampshire
 Museums in or near Lebanon
 Museums in New Hampshire
 New Hampshire state archives
 National Historic Landmark search
 Search the Library of Congress
 Search the National Register for historic properties
Post history questions in Grafton County genealogy forum

Housing & real estate
Median rent in Lebanon, at the time of the 2000 Census, was $557. Monthly homeowner costs, for people with mortgages, were $1,099.

Find an apartment
 Find a contractor
Find a Realtor
Free home valuation
 Homes for sale in Lebanon
 Property report by address
 Public housing in NH
 Real estate classifieds - newspapers
 Subsidized apartments (Section 8) in NH

 Help wanted ads - newspapers

Libraries in Lebanon include Lebanon Public Library ... View libraries

 Libraries near Lebanon

 Lebanon regional map
 Census map of Lebanon area
 Historic maps of NH cities - Library of Congress
Historic maps of New Hampshire
 Topographic map of Lebanon

 Lebanon area blogs
 Daily newspapers in or near Lebanon
 AM radio stations in or near Lebanon
 Commercial FM radio stations in or near Lebanon
 Public & educational radio stations in or near Lebanon
 TV stations in or near Lebanon
 Media ownership in the Lebanon area
 Today's news around New Hampshire

 Check daily newspapers in or near Lebanon
Historic newspaper database
 Recent death notices - selected NH newspapers

 Lebanon Chamber of Commerce
 Community foundations (by state)
 Foundations (by name)
 Gay & lesbian community centers
 Kiwanis clubs in New Hampshire
 Lions clubs in New Hampshire
 Nonprofit groups
 Nonprofit guide for Lebanon
 Rotary club search
 Volunteer opportunities in or near Lebanon

Parks & recreation
 Parks near Lebanon
National forests in New Hampshire
 Ski areas near Lebanon
 Ski areas in New Hampshire
 State parks in New Hampshire
 Trails near Lebanon

Find friends & family
 Meetup groups in the Lebanon area
 People finder (yellow pages)

 Find a local animal shelter
 Report animal cruelty

Photos & post cards
 Aerial photo of Lebanon
 Historic photos of U.S. cities
 Photos of New Hampshire places
 Post cards of New Hampshire communities

Grafton County supported John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election. For more information, see our Lebanon political report.

Grafton County Republican party
 New Hampshire Democratic party
 New Hampshire Republican party
 New Hampshire elections board

Postal Service
 Find a post office
 ZIP codes (by street address)
 ZIP codes (by city)
 ZIP code reverse lookup (find cities in a ZIP code)

 Churches, other places of worship in or near Lebanon
 Total membership by faith, in Grafton County

The average commute time for Lebanon workers is 16 minutes, compared with 26 minutes nationwide.

A total of 7 fatal motor vehicle accidents occurred in Lebanon between 2001 and 2003, according to reports gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This is a rate of 5.6 fatal crashes per 10,000 population, which was higher than the national norm.

 Hotels in Lebanon include Days Inn Lebanon, Marriott Residence Inn.
 Lebanon travel guide
 Airports near Lebanon
 Hotels near Lebanon
 New Hampshire tourism bureau

 Current conditions and 5-day forecast
 Monthly averages & records
 Major storms (searchable by county)
 New Hampshire coastal water temperatures
 National weather map

 Audubon centers
 Birding spots in New Hampshire
 Endangered species in New Hampshire
 Wildlife refuges in New Hampshire


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5 Old Nugget Alley, Hanover, NH 03755 603-643-3942

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